Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome Teachers!

Hi Group! 

We had a great meeting yesterday - thank you all for participating and sharing.  I am very excited to hear about your experience.  This blog is a way for the whole group to connect instead of sending lots of emails back and forth.  I'll still send emails about important things, meetings, dates, etc. - but the blog is where we can share ideas, photos that you took of inspiring things (like whale kidney stones:) or videos of things that were meaningful to you.  Also feel free to post about websites, games or other things that are useful in your class.  All of this information is important and will be taken into consideration when creating the Online Learning Community.

I look forward to reading your posts!



  1. It was an amazing experience and it will continue to be. I am excited to be part of this project!

  2. After just our first meeting it left me thinking of other ideas as I did work last night. Of course they're jotted down in my notebook. My kids were also incredibly jealous when I told them about what we got to do in the CRC!

    I wanted to share this link:

    I was so excited when I saw this considering our day yesterday was about the Magnificent Morgan!

  3. Hi Allyson and Joe!
    So glad that you all enjoyed the first workshop. I must say that you got the better day. Yesterday's group got soaked going to the Morgan but still had a great workshop!

    Allyson, thank you so much for the link. I will check it out and share it with our group here!

  4. Hi everyone,
    I came away energized by our meeting Tuesday and look forward to our next gathering in June! In the meantime, for those of you who were engaged with Charlotte Church's journal and might want to explore further, this is a link to it online. Can you see this being useful with your students? What might be the pros and cons? Not easy for kids to read in cursive I know.
    Have any of you used online resources from the museum? What has been most useful? What have been the challenges?
    Wishing you all a happy, sunny spring! Look forward to our next gathering in early June.
